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  • Re: Reply To: Reading Mifare Plus mix mode card

    7. September 2020 at 5:31
    in reply to: Reading Mifare Plus mix mode card
    Hi TapLinux,

    Unfortunately, I'm working with a vendor whose cards are running in MixedMode with a specific sector operating in SL3 mode which requires AES authentication.

    Can you please provide either the ADPU command structure or provide guidance on how to access the information via TapLinx.



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    Re: Reply To: Reading Mifare Plus mix mode card

    21. August 2020 at 9:10
    in reply to: Reading Mifare Plus mix mode card
    Sample code below:

    `private void readSL3Sector(IPlusEV1SL1 plusEV1SL1) {

    KeyData keyData = new KeyData();
    keyData.setKey(new SecretKeySpec(SampleAppKeys.KEY_AES128, "AES"));
    try {
    IPlus.CardDetails cardDetails = plusEV1SL1.getSL3SectorHelper().getCardDetails();
    System.out.println("UID: " + Utilities.byteToHexString(cardDetails.uid));
    System.out.println("SL: " + cardDetails.securityLevel);
    System.out.println("VENDOR: " + cardDetails.vendorID);
    System.out.println("SAK: " + cardDetails.sak);

    byte[] bytes = plusEV1SL1.activateLayer4();
    System.out.println("RATS: " + Utilities.byteToHexString(bytes));

    int sector = 6;
    byte[] byPcdCaps = new byte[6];
    try {
    System.out.println(sector + " STARTING AUTHENTICATION");

    //Get the memory address from sector
    int memoryaddress = plusEV1SL1.getSL3SectorHelper().sectorNumberToBlockNumberForAESKeys((byte) sector);
    System.out.println(sector + " SECTOR MEMORY ADDRESS: " + memoryaddress);

    plusEV1SL1.getSL3SectorHelper().authenticateFirst(memoryaddress, keyData, byPcdCaps);
    System.out.println(sector + " Authentication result: " + Utilities.byteToHexString(byPcdCaps));

    byte[] read = plusEV1SL1.getSL3SectorHelper().read(IPlusSL3.ReadMode.Plain_ResponseMACed_CommandMACed, 0);
    System.out.println(sector + " Block Data BYTES: " + Utilities.dumpBytes(read));
    System.out.println(sector + " Block Data HEX: " + Utilities.byteToHexString(read));
    }catch(Exception ex){
    System.out.println(sector + " READ FAILED (" + ex.getMessage() + ")");
    System.out.println(sector + " PCD CAPS (" + Utilities.byteToHexString(byPcdCaps) + ")");
    showMessage(ex.getMessage(), PRINT);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    System.out.println("CONNECT FAILED (" + ex.getMessage() + ")");
    showMessage(ex.getMessage(), PRINT);

    Responses Received is either: 'Not Acknowledge 0' or 'Not Acknowledge 4'
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