Urgent Issue

Forum / MIFARE SDK / Urgent Issue

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  • 26. September 2023 at 11:35
    Hello Tablinx,
    please I need urgent support for this issue, I need to perform a ChangeKeySettings command for mifare desfire ev1,
    I've performed the ChangeKey command and the authentication with a new key is successed
    but stucked at the ChangeKeySettings command (to "0x0A as example"),
    I've read "AN0945 - MIFARE DESFire EV1 - Features and Hints" and MF3ICD81 section 9.3.4 but unfortunately there is no example of ChangeKeySettings with APDU enciphered or any explanation for how the command be formed such as this sample : "90 54 00 00 08 1525D67750B0F2A5 00", I've extracted it from another system log but I don't know how the data field formed.

    Thanks inadvance
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