Ultralight C CRC question

Forum / MIFARE general topics and applications / Ultralight C CRC question

  • 7. February 2018 at 8:26

    I try to check the CRC16_A calculation of a communication from a Ultralight (Select Cl1 / Select Cl2).
    The Select CL1 Command:
    93  70  88  04  35  66  df  e9  db

    CRC16_A of 0xdf 0x66 0x35 0x04 0x88 0x70 0x93 = 0xDBE9
    So, that matchs with the 2 last bytes (CRC) : e9 db

    The Select Cl2 Command:
    95  70  12  00  15  89  8e  13  a9

    CRC16_A of 0x8e 0x89 0x15 0x00 0x12 0x70 0x95 = 0x1336

    So, that doesn't match with the 2 last bytes (CRC) = a9 13

    What am I doing wrong with that CRC check?


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