SAM AV2 – Switching AV1 mode to AV2

Forum / MIFARE SmartCard IC`s / SAM AV2 – Switching AV1 mode to AV2

  • 18. November 2019 at 10:16
    When I am getting the version of my SAM, I get the following response

    Response: 04-01-01-03-02-28-01-04-01-01-03-02-28-01-04-25-21-BA-C7-2D-80-96-43-34-00-00-0D-0B-0C-00-A1

    And now I am trying to switch the SAM to AV2 mode. I am sending the following APDU Command

    Command: 80-10-03-00-05-00-00-00-00-00-00

    But I am receiving the response code of SW1 = 69 SW2 = 85

    I am not sure which part I done wrongly, I have access to all the NDA documents in DocStore but have no clue on this issue.

    Thank you for your help.
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    Re: SAM AV2 – Switching AV1 mode to AV2

    18. November 2019 at 13:22
    Hi Veng Sie,

    I cannot write about details of NDA classified material on a public server. I will answer you via email. In such questions you can reach me via:

    Did you read the datasheet “P5DF081 - MIFARE secure access module SAM AV2”, specially section 10.1? Here it is explained how to switch into AV2 mode.

    The TapLinx team

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