nxpnfcandroidlib-1.4 Requires Google Analytics?

Forum / MIFARE SDK / nxpnfcandroidlib-1.4 Requires Google Analytics?

  • 21. June 2018 at 13:53
    Hi everyone!

    We recently implemented the `nxpnfcandroidlib` library as an offline dependency because the taplinx maven repository goes offline everytime we are near a major release.

    I noticed that you need to add `com.google.android.gms:play-services-analytics:10.0.0`, why do you need to add the analytics library for the `nxpnfcandroidlib-1.4` to work? We do not want our customers to be tracked.

    What is the exact use of the Google Analytics API? Can we disable tracking?

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    Re: nxpnfcandroidlib-1.4 Requires Google Analytics?

    22. June 2018 at 11:14
    Hi David,

    You can download the library as AAR file directly from our home site (you must be logged in):


    The reference to Google Analytics is mandatory, because we want to get some information about Android versions, device types etc. This helps us to understand the customers’ needs and typical settings. But we are currently in an internal discussion to be more transparent and publish which information we collect and why.

    The TapLinx team

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    Re: nxpnfcandroidlib-1.4 Requires Google Analytics?

    30. December 2022 at 20:38
    Hello Team
    is the reference to Google Analytics still mandatory in the latest version (TapLinx 2)
    can we disable tracking in this new version?
    which information do you collect and why?
    + 0  |  - 0
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