MiFare SAM AV2 android sample

Forum / MIFARE SDK / MiFare SAM AV2 android sample

  • 24. March 2017 at 7:32
    We are working on a Enterprise Android device to accept DESFire EV1 which we are able to do without using SAM. Now we are trying to integrate with SAM but unable to find any samples for Android. Please could guide us to a reference implementation or sample.
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    Re: MiFare SAM AV2 android sample

    24. March 2017 at 11:01
    Hi Ganesh Babu,

    The question is: how the SAM AV2 is integrated into your Android system? Whatever you do, either via external USB card reader or internal SIM slot, you have to implement the access methods by your own. You cannot use Android API methods, because a SIM slot is not available as standardized hardware.

    The TapLinx team
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