Mifare Lite App with Android Studio

Forum / MIFARE SDK / Mifare Lite App with Android Studio

  • 13. August 2015 at 14:37
    Is there any update of the Mifare Lite example App which shows how to achieve this with Android Studio instead of Eclipse?
    I did find mention of this on the forum but it didn't appear to be resolved satisfactorily
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    Re: Mifare Lite App with Android Studio

    15. August 2015 at 12:14
    When did you try to download it ?
    Because there is a newer version of LITE SDK uploaded since 3 days ago and the Sample App should be now Android Studio compatible.
    Please let me know if this is not the case.

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    Re: Mifare Lite App with Android Studio

    15. August 2015 at 13:03
    Hi David, thanks for the encouraging reply.
    I downloaded on the 11/08/15. So I'll need to check if there is a newer version...
    + 1  |  - 1

    Re: Mifare Lite App with Android Studio

    15. August 2015 at 19:07
    No problem Greg.
    Just let me know if there's still an issue with SampleApp working with Android Studio as this is important for us.

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    Re: Mifare Lite App with Android Studio

    2. September 2015 at 2:27
    + 0  |  - 0

    Re: Mifare Lite App with Android Studio

    5. September 2015 at 14:35
    Still a few errors with "package com.nxp.nfclib.classic does not exist".

    Hi David and NXP Team,

    Thanks for the update and big thanks to NXP for adding the Android Studio chapter!

    Whilst trying to load the sample app (import) and after following the instructions about adding the new dependency with
    dependencies {
    compile files (“libs/nxpnfcliblite.jar”)

    I get lots of (very similar) error messages which refer to com.nxp.nfclib:

    Error:(55, 30) error: package com.nxp.nfclib.classic does not exist
    Error:(56, 33) error: package com.nxp.nfclib.exceptions does not exist

    Jumping into MainLiteActivity.java brings up a "can't resolve symbol nfclib" when the cursor is on:
    import com.nxp.nfclib.classic.IMFClassic;

    Is this an error due to the different versions (nxpnfcliblite.jar vs nxpnfclib.jar)?

    I'm using Android Studion 1.3.2 and I'd appreciate if someone could explain what I doing wrong and how to resolve the issue.

    Many thanks in advance!
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    Re: Mifare Lite App with Android Studio

    5. September 2015 at 17:50
    Found the solution to the problem I listed above!
    The library was in the wrong folder.

    I can confirm now that the sample app works under Android Studio 1.3.2, and I tested it on a Samsung Galaxy.

    The only issue I've found is that NXP NTAG216 tags don't get recognized as such. They appear as 203 tags, and I don't know why.
    Has anyone any hints on how to fix it?
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