MIFARE – Desfire EV2: FinalizeKeySet while using EV1 authentication

Forum / MIFARE general topics and applications / MIFARE – Desfire EV2: FinalizeKeySet while using EV1 authentication

  • 6. December 2019 at 15:22

    I am trying to finalize a key set but keep on getting a 7E (Command length) error message.
    The command that I am sending through is: 9056000002010200

    Do you have any advice? Or perhaps a sample APDU for FinalizeKeySet that is not using EV2?

    Kind regards,
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    Re: MIFARE – Desfire EV2: FinalizeKeySet while using EV1 authentication

    9. December 2019 at 9:14
    Hi Jacques,

    You must consider that this command uses the communication mode “CommMode.MAC”. So, you must append also the MAC data.

    The TapLinx team

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    Re: MIFARE – Desfire EV2: FinalizeKeySet while using EV1 authentication

    9. December 2019 at 9:33

    Thank you for your prompt response.

    I have already tried that and it does not make a difference.
    Do you perhaps have a sample command for either FinalizeKeySet Or InitializeKeySet ?

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    Re: MIFARE – Desfire EV2: FinalizeKeySet while using EV1 authentication

    9. December 2019 at 14:28
    Hi Jacques,

    You will find a detailed explanation of the key architecture of the MIFARE DESFire EV2 in the AN:

    AN3630 - MIFARE DESFire EV2 Features and Hints

    In section 6.4.1 you will find calculated examples (with command and response hex byte sequences) of InitializeKeySet, ChangeKey and FinalizeKeySet.

    I generally recommend reading this AN because it is extremely helpful if you want to implement the communication in your software.

    The TapLinx team
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    Re: MIFARE – Desfire EV2: FinalizeKeySet while using EV1 authentication

    11. January 2020 at 23:57

    Thank you for your reply.
    Are the InitializeKeySet, FinalizeKeySet, and RollKeySet functions only available when EV2 authentication is active or are they available when EV1 authentication is active?

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    Re: MIFARE – Desfire EV2: FinalizeKeySet while using EV1 authentication

    13. January 2020 at 9:48
    Hi Jacques,

    The rolling key set is a new feature of the MIFARE DESFire EV2.

    The TapLinx team

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    Re: MIFARE – Desfire EV2: FinalizeKeySet while using EV1 authentication

    13. January 2020 at 11:03

    Thank you, I understand that.
    My question was more aimed at the authentication, does it matter if EV1 or EV2 authentication is used for the FinalizeKeySet command?
    E.G. Can I use the FinalizeKeySet on an EV2 card if I am authenticated using EV1?

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    Re: MIFARE – Desfire EV2: FinalizeKeySet while using EV1 authentication

    14. January 2020 at 14:15
    Hi Jacques,

    If you not deal with key sets, you can use the command set of the MIFARE DESFire EV1 on a MIFARE DESFire EV2. In this case you operate on the current key set. But if you want to personalize a new key set (with InitializeKeySet(), ChangeKeyEV2() and FinalizeKeySet()) you will use the Secure Messaging Mode which is part of DESFire EV2 command set.

    Please have a look to “6.4 Application Level Keys” of this AN:

    AN3630 - MIFARE DESFire EV2 Features and Hints

    The TapLinx team

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    Re: MIFARE – Desfire EV2: FinalizeKeySet while using EV1 authentication

    20. March 2020 at 20:25
    Hi everyone,
    I am also trying athentification on desfire EV2, but how can I get the AN3630 - MIFARE DESFire EV2 Features and Hints please ?
    I already sent a DNA request via mail but still no response.
    Best regards,
    + 0  |  - 0

    Re: MIFARE – Desfire EV2: FinalizeKeySet while using EV1 authentication

    23. March 2020 at 9:53
    Hi Rindra,

    I will ask about your status.

    The TapLinx team

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    Re: MIFARE – Desfire EV2: FinalizeKeySet while using EV1 authentication

    23. March 2020 at 10:53
    Ok thank you !
    + 0  |  - 0
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