How-To: MiFare Conatcless Card Programing with QT using ACR890 embeded Linux.

Forum / MIFARE and NFC Reader IC`s / How-To: MiFare Conatcless Card Programing with QT using ACR890 embeded Linux.

  • 25. January 2016 at 13:47

    I am very new to Mi-Fare Contactless card programing. Even I don't know if I am in right place to ask a question.

    Recently I bought a countless card terminal which came with SDK as well as 5 pieces Contactless Mi-Fare card.
    I am using QT IDE on my Ubuntu Linux 12.04. Terminal has embedded Linux. I already finished programing with terminal. I set my app and ready to programming with write and read to contactless mi-fare card.

    I don’t know where to start. In my application user connects to Wi-Fi (internet) first. And waits to customer to show contactless mi-fare card. If the customer tab the terminal the application will ask pin code to be enter from customer. If the pin code is correct than application contact to local server and send some data for authentication. Then terminal receives authentication answer from server. If the user authenticated then terminal prints authentication information for customer.

    I have to write inside the card the following information:
    • CardNo: Example…. 1234 5678 9012 3456
    • CardPin: Example…. 12345

    Than my terminal gets the information from card so I need to read info from card.

    My question is where I can get basic of Mifare card read/write QT C++ example? Where do I have to start?

    Kind Regards,

    Card Type: Mifare Contactless card (
    Reader: ACR890 POS Terminal (Operating Sys: Embedded Linux) (
    Development: Ubuntu Linux 12.04
    Development IDE: Qt Creator 3.3.1 (opensource) Based on Qt 5.4.1 (GCC 4.6.1, 32 bit) (

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    Re: How-To: MiFare Conatcless Card Programing with QT using ACR890 embeded Linux.

    28. January 2016 at 11:18

    First of all, the reader comes with a driver and an interface library. This library defines commands you can use for dedicated type of card you want to use. Usually this are so called APDU commands. This has nothing to do with programming languages or operating systems etc.

    The MIFARE Classic card defines several commands you can use (different card use different commands, e.g.: MIFARE DESFire). The first step is usually to prepare the card BEFORE it is issued to the customer. In the preparation phase you write a password to the sector you want to use for your application and you write initial values to the data blocks. The factory setting of a MIFARE Classic uses a default password which never should be used in your application.

    Kind regards,
    The MIFARE team

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