Authenticate Mifare DESFire with SAM AV2 Returns 6985

Forum / MIFARE general topics and applications / Authenticate Mifare DESFire with SAM AV2 Returns 6985

  • 17. November 2020 at 10:09
    As the topic says,The following is the debug log:

    1.I select the picc app,is ok!
    S: 5a 17 11 08
    R: 00

    2.I get the challenge,is ok!
    S: aa 02
    R: af 8b c4 96 86 0d da c5 d8 f1 a7 03 7b 20 9f 53 76

    3.Then I send authenticate PICC to SAM,it responses "6985"
    S: 80 0a 11 00 22 02 00 8b c4 96 86 0d da c5 d8 f1 a7 03 7b 20 9f 53 76 00 04 11 54 32 09 61 80 00 00 00 00 00 17 11 08 00
    R: 69 85

    I couldn't find the cause of the problem,I wonder if I need to do initialization before authentication? Or how to understand the error code, how to solve it?
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    Re: Authenticate Mifare DESFire with SAM AV2 Returns 6985

    17. November 2020 at 15:07
    Hi Harry,

    we cannot discus in detail about MIFARE SAM AV2 commands on this public portal. This material is NDA classified.

    Please write to us:

    The TapLinx team

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