Reply To: Card providing a different ID on every read

Forum MIFARE general topics and applications Card providing a different ID on every read Reply To: Card providing a different ID on every read

Re: Card providing a different ID on every read

23. April 2020 at 10:27
Hi Mike,

Sure, if someone steal my credit card I will be worried about my money and not of the opening of my garage.

If your opening system is limited to UIDs, then the only option is to use another card. But the idea behind to use the UID in the registration process to the card reader is to allow more than one card in the field. If a reader finds two cards, then it can instruct one card to be quiet and communicate with the other card. This is part of the “anti-collision” (ISO/IEC 14443). In this process the real UID of the card is not relevant.

The TapLinx team

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