Reply To: Basic question re UID in the Manufacturer's Block

Forum MIFARE general topics and applications Basic question re UID in the Manufacturer's Block Reply To: Basic question re UID in the Manufacturer's Block

Re: Basic question re UID in the Manufacturer's Block

12. December 2019 at 10:03
Hi Mike,

In an anti-collision sequence at the reader, a 4-byte UID card uses also random bytes. A 4-byte UID is not unique anymore due to the short range.

You can also get a MIFARE Classic EV1 with the option of random UID in the anti-collision sequence. The device's UID is stored in block 0. But you need to authenticate before to read the block.

Especially for security applications you should never rely on the UID. In most cases the UID is randomness to prevent any tracking.

The TapLinx team
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