Reply To: Help to switch Mifare Plus S from SL1 to SL3 Taplinx

Forum MIFARE SDK Help to switch Mifare Plus S from SL1 to SL3 Taplinx Reply To: Help to switch Mifare Plus S from SL1 to SL3 Taplinx

Re: Help to switch Mifare Plus S from SL1 to SL3 Taplinx

8. November 2019 at 12:59
Hi Miguel,

if the MIFARE Plus is in SL1, then the card is detected as MIFARE Classic (which implies ISO14443-3 protocol). To switch to SL3 you must execute after “Activate Idle” (ISO 14443-3) “RATS+PPSSL3” (ISO 14443-4). For the switch you must execute an authentication to switch key 0x9003. After a reset (removing the card from the reader) you should be in SL3.

This can be achieved at a USB reader, but on the phone, you always have a middleware in between which try to identify the card in the field and set the appropriate protocol. And here is the issue: if the card is identified as MIFARE Classic (Plus in SL1) then the middleware will never execute a RATS+PPS for going to ISO 14443-4, because it is not supported for a MIFARE Classic. But you need this step for the successful switch on a MIFARE Plus in SL1.

Summarized: a switch from SL1 to SL3 needs an unusual overruling of protocol from ISO 14443-3 to ISO 14443-4. This is not a typical use-case and therefore not supported typically in the middleware of NFC layer.

The TapLinx team

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