Reply To: Mifare Plus S change sector AES keys

Forum MIFARE general topics and applications Mifare Plus S change sector AES keys Reply To: Mifare Plus S change sector AES keys

Re: Mifare Plus S change sector AES keys

12. April 2019 at 9:51
Hi Daniel,

Yes, you cannot use Write() with plain data to write a key. The Plus has a FirstAuthenticate() and a FollowingAuthenticate(). The latter command allows to use a different block without resetting the whole session. Both commands have a first and a second part in its command! Did you forget this second part?

Please remember, for an authentication you must proof to the card that you are authorized, and the card must proof to you it also! Therefore, this is always a two-step-procedure.

The TapLinx team


The datasheet “MF1PLUSx0y1 - Mainstream contactless smart card IC for fast and easy solution development” contains a calculated example for an authentication in “9.8 Example transaction in security level 3”, page 86. I hope, this helps to understand how to implement it.

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