Reply To: Trying to read DESFire EV1 Card, requires Authentication.

Forum MIFARE SDK Trying to read DESFire EV1 Card, requires Authentication. Reply To: Trying to read DESFire EV1 Card, requires Authentication.

Re: Trying to read DESFire EV1 Card, requires Authentication.

7. March 2016 at 22:22
Hi there,

Yes, I'm sure that the file exists. To make sure, using the selectApplication call with my array of appIds returned, I called idesFireEV1.getFileIDs(), and got the attached results back (file_ids.png). Here's a code snippet of that area:

// Grab instance of DESFire EV1 interface
IDESFireEV1 idesFireEV1 = nfcScanEvent.getIdesFireEV1();

// Try to connect to card.

// Get all application IDs on the card
int[] appIdArray = idesFireEV1.getApplicationIDs();

// Make sure we received at least one
if (appIdArray.length > 0) {
// Select the first app id, since the TriMet cards should only have one.

// Grab file ids
byte[] fileIDs = idesFireEV1.getFileIDs();

It is crucial that we read this second file, and the method call returns two file IDs. I also requested verified cards that they have been able to read both files on from the manufacturer, so I can confirm that there are no issues with the card's data.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, as this is causing our development to come to a grinding halt.

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