Reply To: KeyA and KeyB and how to protect the contacless card from cloning?

Forum MIFARE general topics and applications KeyA and KeyB and how to protect the contacless card from cloning? Reply To: KeyA and KeyB and how to protect the contacless card from cloning?

Re: KeyA and KeyB and how to protect the contacless card from cloning?

15. February 2016 at 18:58
Thank you mifare sdk.

I will try to implement the steps tomorrow.

1) My question on this topic is that how secure will be my card after I change the keys with the new keys that showed in your example?

Write( 7, 1665FE2AE945XXXXXX003321FB75A356 ) // write to sector trailer the new keys

2) At the moment I am using only one application in mifare classic. So is it possible to change all other sector trailer blocks key?
3) What should I have to do to protect my card from cloning?
4) Does mifare classic has any encryption or do I have to apply it by myself?
5) I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and the Qt IDE for development. My Pos Terminal has embedded Linux. So what kind of the secure encryption can I use?

Kind Regards,

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