Reply To: DESFire EV1 using AES encryption

Forum MIFARE general topics and applications DESFire EV1 using AES encryption Reply To: DESFire EV1 using AES encryption

Re: DESFire EV1 using AES encryption

20. October 2015 at 15:14
Hi David92

I am trying to achieve the same thing as pedro74, do you think you can give me some tips on how to do that.

You mentioned that you have some sample codes as well??

I purchased some DESfire EV1, trying to figure out how to do the select/authenticate(decrypt) then write/read and encrypt. Looking to encrypt with AES 128.

I only have the LITE SDK. If i can achieve the above with just the LITE SDK??

I am working with the Android SDK LITE.

Thanks for your time
Best Regards
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