Ultralight C – configurationMemoryAccess help

Forum / MIFARE SDK / Ultralight C – configurationMemoryAccess help

  • 12. July 2019 at 19:03
    Hello, we are trying to solve an issue with access permission we cant find too much documentation about the method configurationMemoryAccess

    public void configurationMemoryAccess(int pageNumber,
    byte configuration)

    In javadoc it says configuration byte:
    The restriction: 0x00 = read and write access restricted, 0x01 = write access restricted

    We need to free again for writing and reading freely. what byte configuration should we put? and where is that info? Thanks!

    Our code is:

    ultralightC.configurationMemoryAccess(4, (byte) 0x00);
    ultralightC.configurationMemoryAccess(4, (byte) 0x0E);

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    Re: Ultralight C – configurationMemoryAccess help

    16. July 2019 at 9:21
    Hi Chelo,

    Taplinx is a layer for the Ultralight C commands and if you are in doubt, refer to the Ultralight C datasheet. The memory access is controlled with the bytes AUTH0 and AUTH1 and explained on page 18 of the datasheet.

    You will find the datasheet here:

    MF0ICU2 - MIFARE Ultralight C - Contactless ticket IC

    The TapLinx team
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