Problem executing multiple commands Rc663 with Desfire EV1 card

Forum / MIFARE SDK / Problem executing multiple commands Rc663 with Desfire EV1 card

  • 11. October 2016 at 21:37

    I am trying to send multiple commands to the Mifare Desfire card, using one of the JCF examples for the RC663.
    The code listed below, (after the initialization, not included) runs once correct. The Read FIFO command lists all application id's, with 2 bytes upfront, value 0x02, 0x00.
    But when re-entering the loop, after the TRansceive command, nothing is in the FIFO.

    What am I missing?
    Does someone have a JCF-file with multiple desfire commands?

    while (1) {
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_TXDATANUM, 0x08); // SR 2E 08

    //> Enable CRC.
    // SR 2C 19
    // SR 2D 19
    // SR 0C 00

    // Clear IRQ
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ0EN, 0x00); // SR 08 00
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ1EN, 0x00); // SR 09 00

    // Set T0,T1 reload values
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_T0RELOADHI, 0x3E); // SR 10 3E
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_T0RELOADLO, 0x58); // SR 11 58
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_T1RELOADHI, 0x00); // SR 15 00
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_T1RELOADLO, 0x00); // SR 16 00

    // Terminate any running command, Flush FiFo
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_COMMAND, 0x00); // SR 00 00
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_FIFOCONTROL, 0xB0); // SR 02 B0

    // Clear all IRQ 0,1 flags
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ0, 0x7F); // SR 06 7F
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ1, 0x7F); // SR 07 7F
    //> Write command data into FIFO
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_FIFODATA, 0x02); // SR 05 02 // PCB: no Cid, no Nad, I(0)0 - Frame
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_FIFODATA, 0x6a); // SR 05 60 // Data -- Desfire Get application Ids command

    //> Start the command (Transcieve)
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_COMMAND, 0x07); // SR 00 07

    // Wait until the command is finished
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ0EN, 0x18); // SR 08 18 // Enable IRQ0 interrupt sources
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ1EN, 0x42); // SR 09 42 // Enable IRQ1 interrupt sources
    do {
    // ????? ::: L_ExChange1Tx
    ior = Rc663ReadRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ1); // GR 07 // read into IOR
    // ????? JNM IOR 40 40 L_ExChange1Tx
    } while ((ior & 0x40) != 0x40);

    // Clear IRQ 0,1 interrupt sources
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ0EN, 0x00); // SR 08 00
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ1EN, 0x00); // SR 09 00

    //> Wait until reception. Enable IRQ0 interrupt sources
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ0, 0x40); // SR 06 40

    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ0EN, 0x54); // SR 08 54
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ1EN, 0x42); // SR 09 42
    do {
    // ????? ::: L_ExChange1Rx
    ior = Rc663ReadRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ1); // GR 07
    // ????? JNM IOR 40 40 L_ExChange1Rx
    } while ((ior & 0x40) != 0x40);

    // Read IRQ 0,1 Status register
    ior = Rc663ReadRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ0); // GR 06
    ior = Rc663ReadRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ1); // GR 07

    //> Read FIFO
    uint8_t buf[100];for (i=0; i<100;i++) { buf = 0xff;}
    ior = Rc663ReadRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_FIFOLENGTH); // GR 04 // FIFO length
    // JNE IOR 0A END // Response length of DesFire "Get application IDs" command
    for (i = 0; i < ior; i++) {
    // ????? MOV ML7 IOR
    // ????? ::: L_ExChange1
    buf = Rc663ReadRegister(
    // ????? DEC ML7
    // ????? JNE ML7 00 L_ExChange1
    // Clear IRQ 0,1 interrupt sources
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ0EN, 0x00); // SR 08 00
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_IRQ1EN, 0x00); // SR 09 00

    // Stop any command. Flush FiFO
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_COMMAND, 0x00); // SR 00 00
    Rc663WriteRegister(PHHAL_HW_RC663_REG_FIFOCONTROL, 0xB0); // SR 02 B0

    + 0  |  - 0

    Re: Problem executing multiple commands Rc663 with Desfire EV1 card

    13. October 2016 at 9:16
    Hi Aart,

    It seems your question is not a MIFARE SDK/TapLinx topic. At general, reader related questions are better located at the forum here:

    The TapLinx Team
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