Pidion BIP-1500 reader crashes when it send APDU

Forum / MIFARE and NFC Reader IC`s / Pidion BIP-1500 reader crashes when it send APDU

  • 7. October 2019 at 18:45
    When I'm debugging PidionRFID library, the app in Windows CE crashes when it reads a card different from Mifare Plus:

    2019-10-07 13:07:21 - [RFID] : OpenComm [115200,0x01]; ret 0
    2019-10-07 13:07:21 - [RFID] : OpenReader [1]; ret 0
    2019-10-07 13:07:22 - -> AntennaOff : 00
    2019-10-07 13:07:22 - iso reqa : 00
    2019-10-07 13:12:09 - AntennaOff : 00
    2019-10-07 13:12:09 - iso reqa : 00
    2019-10-07 13:12:11 - AntennaOff : 00
    2019-10-07 13:12:12 - iso reqa : 00
    2019-10-07 13:12:13 - iso anticoll : 01 01
    2019-10-07 13:12:14 - iso select : 05 01 6D B4 39 DA
    2019-10-07 13:12:14 - AntennaOff : 00
    2019-10-07 13:12:14 - iso reqa : 00
    2019-10-07 13:12:15 - iso anticoll : 01 01
    2019-10-07 13:12:15 - iso select : 05 01 6D B4 39 DA
    2019-10-07 13:12:15 - ResetField : 00
    2019-10-07 13:12:15 - iso reqa : 00
    2019-10-07 13:12:16 - iso anticoll : 01 01
    2019-10-07 13:12:16 - iso select : 05 01 6D B4 39 DA
    2019-10-07 13:12:17 - iso rats : 01 00
    2019-10-07 13:12:17 - iso apdu : 01 78

    It happens when it calls low library and it sends these last command.
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    Re: Pidion BIP-1500 reader crashes when it send APDU

    11. October 2019 at 9:44
    Hi Alberto,

    it is very difficult for us to say anything if a MIFARE product does not work as expected on an unknown hardware driven by unknown software. I recommend using a different device, for instance an Android phone, and check the Plus on this device.

    By the way: Windows CE is a legacy product which is not updated and supported since years!

    The TapLinx team

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