Mifare Desfire EV1 Authentication Error

Forum / MIFARE general topics and applications / Mifare Desfire EV1 Authentication Error

  • 24. September 2018 at 19:58
    Hello I have a Mifare Desfire EV1 AES Tag.

    I have a scenario like this. I need to read value from file ID 0x00 inside AID 0X10 with key #02.

    Application ID - 0x000010
    Master Key:0
    Key #1:0
    Key #2:0
    File ID - 0x00
    Read key: key #2
    Write key: key #1
    File ID - 0x01
    File ID - 0x02

    So I try this
    -> 5a 10 00 00 // Select AID 0X10
    6f // Control for file ID'S
    aa 02 // Authentication with key 02

    It gives me Android.Nfc.TagLostException: Tag was lost error .

    Also I try this for authentication
    -> 0a 02
    But it gives me AE(AUTHENTICATION_ERROR)

    What are your opinions on this?
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    Re: Mifare Desfire EV1 Authentication Error

    26. September 2018 at 10:35
    Hi Barış,

    Authentication command 0x0a and 0xaa are different commands and uses different ciphers! You cannot change the opcode and expect that it works. Please read the DESFire EV1 datasheet. Both authentications are explained in detail with an example. The authentication is done in several communication steps which all must succeed.

    The TapLinx team
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    Re: Mifare Desfire EV1 Authentication Error

    28. September 2018 at 10:27

    Thank you for your answer.
    I used the following blog post and the attached document for this study.

    <a href="https://ridrix.wordpress.com/2009/09/19/mifare-desfire-communication-example/">Mifare Desfire communication example</a>


    I am aware that this process consists of multiple steps. But I get an error in the authentication command, which is the first step.

    Can you recommend a document that can help me in this section? (I'm glad to if you tell how can I to get this document?)

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    Re: Mifare Desfire EV1 Authentication Error

    28. September 2018 at 14:59

    Thank you for your answer.

    I am aware that this process consists of multiple steps. But I get an error in the authentication command, which is the first step.

    Can you recommend a document that can help me in this section? (I'm glad to if you tell how can I to get this document?)

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