[Mifare Classic 1k] Error 6982 when reading: security status not satisfied

Forum / MIFARE and NFC Reader IC`s / [Mifare Classic 1k] Error 6982 when reading: security status not satisfied

  • 15. November 2017 at 10:19
    Hello there,
    I'm stuck on this since yesterday.
    I'm trying to communicate with a Mifare Classic 1k, apparently.
    I say apparently, because I'm using a C# Winform Solution I found on the web to do my tests, and the header of the command is hardcoded:
    It begins with 0xFFF400[n]10 when writing (where n is the block number), and 0xFFF300[n]10 when I read.
    First, tell me if I'm wrong with all of this!
    I'm a very beginner at RFID/NFC cards. I'm still struggling with the documentation online, trying to solve my problem.

    I'm actually trying to write some JSON on the card.
    I discovered that my card has 64 "blocks", starting from 0 to 63, and each block is 16 bytes.
    I found out that I couldn't write on the 1st block (index 0), probably because some basic data/id is written there to identify the card.

    So, if I'm with this string: "12345678901234567", which is 17 bytes, I do as follows:
    - I cut this in 2 strings of 16 characters
    - I complete the last string with spaces, if its length is not 16
    - I write on the card each string, starting at block index 1, and I increment the index before writing next string

    In this case, I should have this:
    Block 0: [some data]
    Block 1: 1234567890123456
    Block 2: 7

    Alright, so it should work with a simple JSON. Let's say:
    "Passphrase" = "AZESDSFS 34435TEG RKR",
    "Type" = 0,
    "HardwareID" = 1234567890,
    "Balance" = 12

    The writing succeeds.
    But the reading gives me this error: "6982: Check error: security status not satisfied".
    I've not found that much info on that after 3 hours of research.
    I've heard of this forum, and I hope I'm at the right spot to finally get an answer ! :)

    P.S: weirdly, I can read the card, but from the block index 4 only; everything before gives me the answer above.
    Starting from block index 4, I manage to get the end of the message, something like:
    Block 4: wareID" = 123456
    Block 5: 7890,"Balance
    Block 6: " = 12
    + 0  |  - 0

    Re: [Mifare Classic 1k] Error 6982 when reading: security status not satisfied

    16. November 2017 at 9:46
    Ok, so I found out pretty much everything I needed with the pdf I link here: http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/302/MF1S503x-89574.pdf
    + 0  |  - 0

    Re: [Mifare Classic 1k] Error 6982 when reading: security status not satisfied

    16. November 2017 at 12:41
    Hi Arthur,

    Please do not confuse: MIFARE Classic 1K has 16 sectors with 4 blocks each. MIFARE Classic 4K has 32 sectors with 4 blocks each and 8 sectors with 16 blocks each.

    Block 0 in sector 0 is not writable, it contains the UID and manufacturer data.

    The TapLinx team
    + 0  |  - 0
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