How to use UltralightC.authenticate funtion of Mifare SDK Lite

Forum / MIFARE SDK / How to use UltralightC.authenticate funtion of Mifare SDK Lite

  • 16. June 2015 at 3:56

    I downloaded Mifare SDK Lite to handle Ultralight C type of NFC Tag.
    But it's difficult for me to understand how to use authenticate function from the document of the SDK,
    Because the explanation of the function is so simple like the below.

    Would you please add some detail explanation about how to use it for Ultralight C Tag?

    Thanks, Raphael

    public void authenticate(int keyNo,
    byte keyVersion)
    throws IOException,
    Complete authentication process. First call authenticateStep1 and then authenticateStep2 .
    keyNo - The key to use for authentication.
    keyVersion - keyVersion to use for authentication.
    IOException - Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. This class is the general class of exceptions produced by failed or interrupted I/O operations.
    GeneralSecurityException - The GeneralSecurityException class is a generic security exception class that provides type safety for all the security-related exception classes that extend from it
    SmartCardException - Signals that an Desfire card related exception has occurred. or indicates operation with KeyStore is failed because of wrong parameters or any Security error.
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    Re: How to use UltralightC.authenticate funtion of Mifare SDK Lite

    16. June 2015 at 17:41

    I think you should be just fine ignoring "
    " and

    Just fill in your authentication key and version of that key

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    Re: How to use UltralightC.authenticate funtion of Mifare SDK Lite

    16. June 2015 at 23:40
    Thanks for your response.

    1. There are no attached or linked code for authenticateStep1 and authenticateStep2 in Mifare SDK Lite.

    2. I understand the key should have 16bytes size to fill from 0x2c to 0x2f of Ultralight C memory.
    But the keyno in the parameter of authenticate is int type.
    How can I pass 16 bytes through int type parameter?

    Thanks, Raphael
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    Re: How to use UltralightC.authenticate funtion of Mifare SDK Lite

    27. November 2015 at 4:26
    I have the same question, How can I pass 16 bytes through int type parameter?
    I hope someone can show some code for me , Thanks.
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