How to use Taplinx in more than one activity?

Forum / MIFARE SDK / How to use Taplinx in more than one activity?

  • 25. April 2017 at 17:36

    If I wanted to use Taplinx in more than one activity, but not using intent filters in the manifest since I don't need that the app launches everytime a tag is detected, how can I accomplish this?

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    Re: How to use Taplinx in more than one activity?

    4. May 2017 at 11:11
    Hi Francisco,

    In Android all NFC request are handled first internally. Android check which kind of NFC message is pending and send the intent to the foreground app, if this app has registered as NFC receiver of this kind of message. If no app is found, Android ask the user with an app selector dialog which app should be started.

    Of course you can have several activities in your app. I prefer a design where my main activity handle this system messages and send—if necessary—the appropriate message to one of my internal activities. In a multi-activity design you have an internal communication system anyway.

    The TapLinx team
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