DesFire EV2 read linear record

Forum / MIFARE SDK / DesFire EV2 read linear record

  • 17. March 2020 at 13:26

    I have created an application with AES Application Key.

    EV2ApplicationKeySettings appsettings = appsetbuilder

    I then changed the key from default to custom. Created a Linear Record File. I can write data to the file but cannot read the file content.

    desFireEV2.createFile(objectFileNo, new DESFireFile.LinearRecordFileSettings(
    IDESFireEV1.CommunicationType.Plain, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
    fileSize, 1, 0));

    byte[] data = userJson.getBytes(encode);
    desFireEV2.writeRecord(objectFileNo, 0, data);

    byte[] userData = desFireEV2.readRecords(objectFileNo, 0, 1);

    In the above last line with readRecords, I get om.nxp.nfclib.exceptions.InvalidResponseLengthException: Boundary Error

    Please help
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    Re: DesFire EV2 read linear record

    17. March 2020 at 13:26
    Hi Jagesh,

    “InvalidResponseLengthException” indicates that the expected bytes to read differ from what was sent.

    You should exactly specify how many bytes you want to read. For the MIFARE DESFire you usually use the offset and the length parameters. Please keep in mind, reading from the card is a more costly operation as reading from a file on a PC.

    The TapLinx team
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    Re: DesFire EV2 read linear record

    3. April 2020 at 11:42
    Hi Support,

    After much debugging I found out that after
    desFireEV2.createFile(1, new DESFireFile.LinearRecordFileSettings(
    IDESFireEV1.CommunicationType.Enciphered, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
    fileSize, 1, 1));
    desFireEV2.writeRecord(1, 0, data, IDESFireEV1.CommunicationType.Enciphered);

    When I read the file settings with
    DESFireFile.LinearRecordFileSettings fileSettings = (DESFireFile.LinearRecordFileSettings) desFireEV2.getFileSettings(1);

    And log the result with
    Log.i(TAG, "fileSettings: => MaxNumberOfRecords: " + fileSettings.getMaxNumberOfRecords()
    + " CurrentNumberOfRecords: " + fileSettings.getCurrentNumberOfRecords() +
    " RecordSize: " + fileSettings.getRecordSize() + " fileType: " + fileSettings.getType());

    I am getting the 0 as currentNumberOfRecords
    I/DemoActivity: fileSettings: => MaxNumberOfRecords: 3, CurrentNumberOfRecords: 0, RecordSize: 500, fileType: RecordLinear

    Why is the currentNumberOfRecords = 0?
    I am banging my head to understand.

    Thanks in advance.
    + 0  |  - 0

    Re: DesFire EV2 read linear record

    3. April 2020 at 11:42
    Hi Support,

    Thanks for the reply.

    According to the documentation readRecords description is following:

    byte[] readRecords(int fileNo,
    int offsetRecords,
    int noOfRecords)

    fileNo - Record file number.
    offsetRecords - Offset from which records is read.
    noOfRecords - Number of records to read.

    read records as byte[]

    In my code i have

    byte[] userData = desFireEV2.readRecords(objectFileNo, 0, 1);

    objectFileNo is 0,
    offsetRecords is 0,
    noOfRecords is 1

    since i have only written the record once.

    I am still receiving the same error.

    com.nxp.nfclib.exceptions.InvalidResponseLengthException: Boundary Error

    To try your answer i even used readRecords with more parameters which is below.

    byte[] readRecords(int fileNumber,
    int offsetRecords,
    int numberOfRecords,
    int recordSize,
    IDESFireEV1.CommunicationType communicationSettings,
    int filesize)

    But still receiving the same error message.

    What am I missing?
    Please help.

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