Desfire EV1 Authentication via SAM AV2 in AV1 mode problem

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  • 14. June 2016 at 16:37

    I tried to authenticate to Desfire card using SAM AV2 module in SAM AV1 compatibility mode.
    Starting data:
    Key AES128, KeyNo = 0x14, KeyData = 00000000000000000000000000000000, IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000.

    1. I send AA 14 command to the card and received the following:

    (AF) 9F 6E DD 56 86 6E C4 EA A6 38 9C D1 70 31 39 E1

    After decryption we can see RndB key:

    C6 35 29 DF FC 4A 93 FD BB 91 9A F3 FD 65 BD C3

    2. I send received data to the SAM module:

    80 0A 00 00 12 14 00 9F 6E DD 56 86 6E C4 EA A6 38 9C D1 70 31 39 E1 00

    and receive the answer which I send to the card:

    9C 5F 7F 4E FB 77 75 4F BB BC EC 97 4F B8 FD 29 80 E8 4B BA B6 8C 36 AF 5D 77 46 A2 CD 31 D9 D9 90 AF

    If dechiper this data using IV = 9F6EDD56866EC4EAA6389CD1703139E1, we can get RndA key

    RndA = 00905A88DBBCD5CAD5577B8C6854F446

    and shifted 1 byte left RndB:


    The card sends me the following string:

    00 03 7C A0 C1 17 CD CF 83 F9 28 EC 92 AB 9C 7F 1A

    After its decryption we can see shifted one byte left RndA key:


    It seems that all is Ok, but when I send the cryptogram to the SAM module

    80 0A 00 00 10 03 7C A0 C1 17 CD CF 83 F9 28 EC 92 AB 9C 7F 1A

    The answer from the module always the same:

    90 1E

    That means "CRC or MAC does not match data" and I don't understand what error I made during authentication process. Maybe I need made some additional settings of the SAM key or application key? Or something else?
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    Re: Desfire EV1 Authentication via SAM AV2 in AV1 mode problem

    14. June 2016 at 16:39
    Sorry, I mistyped. The authenticate command looks like AA 00 of course, not AA 14
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