Change app key

  • 24. September 2020 at 14:24

    I am trying to change an app key over a Mifare Desfire EV1 card.

    So, I am authenticated using my Masterkey, then I have created an application (11 11 11) for test :

    >>> cmd = 90 CA 00 00 05 11 11 11 E9 8E 00
    <<< data = A5 7D B8 9C 77 A2 17 37
    <<< sw = 91 00

    My first question is, what is the default key for this application ? is it the Master key ?

    Then I am trying to change the app key :

    Let's suppose that the current app key is :

    k_old = "22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22" (AES Key)

    and the new key is :

    k_new = "33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33"

    Now I have to execute the C4 command with some cipher data as input. To calculate the cipher data I did those operations, but I am not sure about it :

    data = k_new XOR k_old
    c1 = crc32(data)
    c2 = crc32(k_new)

    then :
    cipher = AES-128-CBC (Session_key, data + c1 + c2 + padding, iv=0)

    then the final commande is :

    90 C4 00 00 21 80 cipher

    Is that correct ?
    And I also have a question about how crc32 is calculated I found several algorithms on the internet, and there is no way to check if mine is correct.

    Thank you :)
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