Can NTAG 434 be cloned? How to avoid it if it does?

Forum / MIFARE general topics and applications / Can NTAG 434 be cloned? How to avoid it if it does?


  • 18. June 2020 at 9:54
    Dear Developers,

    Our application’s goal is to use browser in smartphone to automatic read NTAG 424's NDEF message with SUN, and send them to our backend server for verification.
    In order for every kind of smartphone can use the tag, it would be a plain communication.
    My question is:
    1.Is NTAG 424 like NTAG 213 that after preset the required attributes into NTAG 424, then when tag come near smartphone, the NDEF & SUN will automatically displayed in URL? or the smartphone must issue a ISOReadBinary command to generate SUN in tag?
    2.Is there any possibility that the hackers can use a special tag to fully clone our tag, then use that clone tag to fool our backend server?
    3.Because the NDEF and SUN can be easily read by the hackers, can hackers use these information to simulate our tag to fool our backend server?

    Thank you!

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    Re: Can NTAG 434 be cloned? How to avoid it if it does?

    19. June 2020 at 9:58
    Hi Liang,

    Please find our answers here:

    NTAG 434 be cloned? How to avoid it if it does?

    The TapLinx team

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