Authentication failed in CLRC66303 with Dual interface/Smart MX card

Forum / MIFARE and NFC Reader IC`s / Authentication failed in CLRC66303 with Dual interface/Smart MX card

  • 9. January 2020 at 9:45
    Dear Team
    We are using CLRC66303 reader in our custom board to detect NFC tags. The CLRC663 can able to select/activate, authenticate and read Mifare 1k and 4K cards with SAK value – 0x08, 0x88, and 0x18 so far.
    When a dual interface/Smart MX Mifare 1k/4K tag with SAK value – 0x28 and 0x38 is shown in the CLRC field, it can only able to select/activate the card and does not authenticate the card with the default key-FF. However the same dual interface card with the same key is authenticated using MFRC531 and PN512 reader.
    We have checked the same with NXP Eval.kit-CLEV6630B v2.0 using example 4 mifare classic as well.Still the authentication failed.
    Library Used: NxpNfcRdLib_RC663_LPC1769_v05.21.00_Full
    Example Followed: NfcrdlibEx4_MIFAREClassic
    Herewith attached the image of card details which was read using NXP mobile app.
    We request your help to solve the authentication issue with the dual interface/smart mx tag using clrc663 as soon as possible.
    And for mifare 1k/4k emulation in smart mx card, do we need to enable/activate ISO-14443 part 3 alone or need to activate ISO14443-part 4 too.Advice if any additional settings required.
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    Re: Authentication failed in CLRC66303 with Dual interface/Smart MX card

    9. January 2020 at 10:08
    Hi Shobana,

    Unfortunately, we cannot give support in questions about NXP Reader Library software. This software is managed by a different team, sorry. Please use this link:

    NXP Sales Support

    As I know, MIFARE emulation on SmartMX cards must be activated separately. Which type of SmartMX card do you use?

    The TapLinx team
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