auth fails when scarddisconnect not used

Forum / MIFARE and NFC Reader IC`s / auth fails when scarddisconnect not used

  • 22. July 2019 at 16:18
    Hi all,

    I am experiencing weird behaviour when working with DESFire cards.

    I perso a card with a PCSC reader in the following order.

    auth the card
    - AA00
    - AF.....
    reset memory
    create app

    Then I do not remove card from the field and try to perso card again but this time auth(AF.....) fails with AE response.

    Then I added scarddisconnect to my code, now it is authenticating successfully in second and all other attempts.

    auth the card
    - AA00
    - AF.....
    reset memory
    create app

    Does anyone know why it requires card to be disconnected after first try ?

    thank you in advance

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    Re: auth fails when scarddisconnect not used

    7. August 2019 at 13:18
    Hi Simeranya,

    This strange behavior could also come from the reader or the reader driver respectively. Some drivers try to find out which card is in the field and do some tests. If you do not remove the card, some artifacts might be remaining in this case.

    The TapLinx team
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