Re: Unknown Error Exception Thrown For NTag203x Tags

Forum MIFARE SDK Unknown Error Exception Thrown For NTag203x Tags Re: Unknown Error Exception Thrown For NTag203x Tags

Re: Unknown Error Exception Thrown For NTag203x Tags

23. April 2015 at 14:36

I'm using exact copy of sample application code. On new intent , following line throws the exceptions,

protected void onNewIntent(final Intent intent)

libInstance.filterIntent(intent, callback); This is non-reachable code. I don't have source code for this one.


Sometimes, Unknown Error or IO Exception.

Good thing is that i can read my data successfully even after these exception if i keep the tag attached to phone for 2-3 seconds.

I'm just concerned about late response of application after the tag is recognized.

99% my Nexus 7 5.1 is able to recognize the tag with the notification sound but read operation does not happen because either the NXPnfclib has crashed due to some "IO Exception or Transcive exception" or even spent too much time returning to callback so that i can continue my logic.

From new intent to callback method it takes 150 milliseconds on ASUS Nexus 7.
Rest of my logic takes 15 milliseconds.

So, in my understanding of this issue, MiFARE library is doing alot of processing.

This issue is easily reproducible with sample app.
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