Re: SmartCardException with UltralightC and Nexus 7 2012

Forum MIFARE SDK SmartCardException with UltralightC and Nexus 7 2012 Re: SmartCardException with UltralightC and Nexus 7 2012

Re: SmartCardException with UltralightC and Nexus 7 2012

12. May 2015 at 16:19
This is great support, thanks a lot for your time!!

Nevertheless, I can't find that exact class on that package.

I can find something similar in that package, that's not exactly the same. The one you mentioned was: Inxpliblitecallback.

import com.nxp.nfcliblite.Interface.Inxpnfcliblitecallback;
protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
Log.d("TAG", "Testing if it connects");
libInstance.filterIntent(intent, new Inxpnfcliblitecallback() {
private String TAG;
public void onUltraLightCCardDetected(UltralightC objUlCardC) {
Log.i("TAG","UltralightC card Detected" );
try {
Log.d("TAG", "Testing if it connects");
} catch (Throwable t) {


Unfortunately, it can't compile it. It throws:
Error:(82, 71) error: is not abstract and does not override abstract method onICodeSLIX2Detected(ICodeSLIX2) in Inxpnfcliblitecallback

Once again, many thanks for the kind support and patience.
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