Re: Different numbers being read on different types of readers

Forum MIFARE general topics and applications Different numbers being read on different types of readers Re: Different numbers being read on different types of readers

Re: Different numbers being read on different types of readers

6. March 2013 at 4:25
Hi JimSmith,
I assume that your PAC Door Entry System Reader and Equirtrac Printing Solution Reader are two different reader maker. I also assume that both two readers are reading UID of MIFARE card and you could verify this by checking individual reader supplier. I could think one of possibility of your problem is the 4 byte of the UIDs sequence order. Example PAC Reader reads the 4 byte UIDs as 4CDDA15F(1289593183) but the Equitrac Reader may reads the 4 byte of UID as 5FA1DD4C(1604443468).
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