Reply To: Desfire EV1, format, writedata, changekey all failed with Authentication Error

Forum MIFARE SDK Desfire EV1, format, writedata, changekey all failed with Authentication Error Reply To: Desfire EV1, format, writedata, changekey all failed with Authentication Error

Re: Desfire EV1, format, writedata, changekey all failed with Authentication Error

6. October 2020 at 12:39
Hi Anitha,

You need more than one card at your desk in the development phase of your project. In particular, changing the keys is a sensitive operation. If anything goes wrong, you write wrong bytes into the key. Please take in mind, there exist no “read key” command! You understand why: it would be a massive security flaw! You can use the key and change the key if you have shown with an authentication that you know the key.

The TapLinx team
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