Reply To: Card providing a different ID on every read

Forum MIFARE general topics and applications Card providing a different ID on every read Reply To: Card providing a different ID on every read

Re: Card providing a different ID on every read

22. April 2020 at 12:26
Hi Mike,

Yes, it is! You should never trust on a UID of a card. Such UIDs can be manipulated very easily. For security systems like payment cards, random UIDs are used for protection.

You will ask what I can do to make my car in the garage secure. For instance, you can use a MIFARE Ultralight (it is cheap and sufficient for this use-case) and read a small data block from the card. If the content is what you expect, the door will be opened.

OK, there is a lot more you can do for increasing security. I will not go into these details. Take in mind: if someone steal the card, the content can be copied. If you want to prevent this, you must use authentication.

The TapLinx team

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