Reply To: DesFire EV2 BackupData file write and read

Forum MIFARE SDK DesFire EV2 BackupData file write and read Reply To: DesFire EV2 BackupData file write and read

Re: DesFire EV2 BackupData file write and read

7. April 2020 at 10:49
Hi Jagesh,

Yes my example uses a MIFARE DESFire EV1. Whatever, you can change in my example each “EV1” to “EV2” and it will still work. The basic file IO has not changed.

The only difference what I can see is the authentication. I use the authenticate() which is a “EV1 command” and you use authenticateEV2First() which is a “EV2 command”. The idea behind this command is that authenticateEV2First() is used only once at the beginning and all other authentications uses authenticateEV2NonFirst(). The former command creates a new session and new session keys (which is a costly command) where the latter one use the established session and updates only the authentication. This is less costly and increases the transmission performance. If you want to use Secure Messaging you must use these authentication commands.

If you use my code snippet from the previous post and change every occurrence from “EV1” to “EV2” you will see that the backup data file can be written successfully.

The TapLinx team
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