Reply To: MIFare PLUS SE Card personalisation using APDU commands

Forum MIFARE SDK MIFare PLUS SE Card personalisation using APDU commands Reply To: MIFare PLUS SE Card personalisation using APDU commands

Re: MIFare PLUS SE Card personalisation using APDU commands

12. February 2020 at 16:58
This is what I come up with so far:

"90" // CLA 90h
+ " 01" // INS (command for writePerso (01h sample data for privacy))
+ " 00" // P1: 00h
+ " 00" // P2: 00h
+ " 10" // Lc: Length of data field (10h = 16 bytes = 1 block)
+ " 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08" // String of data units to be written
+ " 00"; // Le: 00h

but receiving 62531 response code.
+ 0  |  - 0