Reply To: Problem to change PICC master key settings (AES).

Forum MIFARE SmartCard IC`s MIFARE DESFire Problem to change PICC master key settings (AES). Reply To: Problem to change PICC master key settings (AES).

Re: Problem to change PICC master key settings (AES).

7. December 2018 at 14:46
Hello, I'm facing the same issue in PICC Change key settings, when PICC master key is of AES type.
My cryptogram logic works fine in Change PICC/Application keys.

Can you guide me, where I'm doing wrong?

A preceding AES authentication got success with PICC Master Key.

AESEncryption AES = new AESEncryption();
IV = "00000000000000000000000000000000";

string CRC32_For_Data = Crc32.Compute("540B"); //CRC calculation for data
CRC32_For_Data = CRC32_For_Data .Substring(6,2) + CRC32_For_Data .Substring(4,2) + CRC32_For_Data .Substring(2,2) + CRC32_For_Data .Substring(0,2); //To send LSB first
string DataWithCRC = PaddingDesFire(CRC32_For_Data, 32, "00"); //to make data of 16 bytes
string EncipheredData = AES.AESEncipher(DataWithCRC, LastSessionKeyAES, IV);

APDUCommand = “54” + EncipheredData; // ChangeKeyCommand + EncipheredData, which contains New KeySettings (0x0B)
CardResponse = Transmit(ReaderName, APDUCommand, “T1”); // it gives 0x1E response, either I send MSB or LSB first

Thank you in advance
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