Reply To: Mifare Plus X switch from SL1 to SL3

Forum MIFARE and NFC Reader IC`s Mifare Plus X switch from SL1 to SL3 Reply To: Mifare Plus X switch from SL1 to SL3

Re: Mifare Plus X switch from SL1 to SL3

21. March 2018 at 16:11

I am using Mifare Plus X cards and encoding them in SL0. After encoding I am trying to switch to SL3. If I manually remove the card from reader after encoding, I can switch the card to SL3, but not in the same session as I do encoding (after Commit Perso).

I understand that layer 4 communication is to be allowed. I am using WinScard.dll and HID Omnikey 6321. How do I achieve this?

Can you please detail out the steps after Commit Perso? I am following below:

1. Commit Perso
2. Power Down Mifare Plus
3. Connect Mifare Plus (winscard gives error that card is removed)

Thank you.
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