Reply To: Mifare Plus X switch from SL1 to SL3

Forum MIFARE and NFC Reader IC`s Mifare Plus X switch from SL1 to SL3 Reply To: Mifare Plus X switch from SL1 to SL3

Re: Mifare Plus X switch from SL1 to SL3

7. December 2017 at 11:50
Hi Kevin,

Yes, the “switch procedure” is a little bit tricky. With a blank card you start with SL0. Here you have to write the AES keys at (hex) blocknumber 9000 (Card Master Key), 9001 (Card Configuration Key), 9002 (SL2 Switch Key) and 9003 (SL3 Switch Key). For a MIFARE Plus S, address 9002 does not exist. With writePerso(), commitPers() and allowing layer 4 communication you switch to SL1. You switch to SL3 with an authentication to block 9003 with firstAuth() and also with allowing layer 4 communication.

The TapLinx team

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