Reply To: Upgrade path from DESFire EV1 to DESFire EV2

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Re: Upgrade path from DESFire EV1 to DESFire EV2

7. August 2017 at 14:04
Hi Paulo,

The MIFARE DESFire EV1 is a subset of the DESFire EV2. The EV2 offer so called “delegated application management” which is not available on an EV1 and the EV2 also offer an enhanced security mode which is also not available on EV1. You can still use your application on an EV1 or on an EV2. If you start to use one the EV2 features you must update your reader software to distinguish between the EV1 and the EV2 to use this new feature.

The TapLinx team
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