Reply To: DESFire EV1 SelectApplication Command

Forum MIFARE general topics and applications DESFire EV1 SelectApplication Command Reply To: DESFire EV1 SelectApplication Command

Re: DESFire EV1 SelectApplication Command

21. March 2017 at 13:52

I have the same problem with DESFire EV1 as Jan Jan has and mentioned in first post.

Actually I have designed a reader based on NXP PN512 chip by myself.

And I have implemented ISO 14443-3 and ISO 14443-4 and I can send APDU Commands base on ISO 7816-4.

After selection and get ATS from card, When I send any command to DesFire Card for example 90 60 00 00 00 ( get version ), Card will answer me without any problem ( 0101010018050591AF ) but If I try to send any other command or this command again, Card does not reply me any more until I take it away from reader antenna.

Please let me know, if there is any point or note with this kind of Card.

In addition I have to say that I have Java card too, and Java card can reply to all APDUs without any problem and also I do not have any problem MIFARE classic and Ultralight.

Thank you
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