Reply To: Mifare DesFire Authentication

Forum MIFARE and NFC Reader IC`s Mifare DesFire Authentication Reply To: Mifare DesFire Authentication

Re: Mifare DesFire Authentication

9. June 2016 at 10:24
Hi Henrich,

Thanks for your remark. We have to decide the cipher.

For DES/2K3DES we have:
RndA is an 8 byte random number. The sent value is concatenated with RndB’ and decrypted with IV=00…00.

For AES we have:
RndA is an 16 byte random number. The sent value is also concatenated with RndB’ and decrypted but with IV=last block of e(RndB).

On the card side for DES/2K3DES:
The rotated RndA is encrypted with IV=00…00 and sent to the reader.

For AES:
The rotated RndA is encrypted with IV= last block of e(RndA+RndB’).

So my example was for AES cipher and I missed the apostrophe. Thank you.

By the way: the datasheet provides calculated number samples. See chapter 4.1 of the datasheet (MIFARE DESFire EV1, Functionality of implementations on smart card controllers).

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