Reply To: Mifare DesFire Authentication

Forum MIFARE and NFC Reader IC`s Mifare DesFire Authentication Reply To: Mifare DesFire Authentication

Re: Mifare DesFire Authentication

8. June 2016 at 10:34
Hi Henrich,

Okay, let us check the steps. In step 2 you encrypt
e(RndA+RndB’) with IV=e(RndB).
The card decrypt d(e(RndA+RndB‘))=RndA+RndB‘ and checks RndB. Then the card encrypt
e(RndA’) with IV=e(RndA+RndB)
and on the reader side you have to
and check RndA which you have sent.

Please take attention to the IV vectors and the rotations and the reverse rotation. If the card rotate left, you have to rotate right to get the result.

Kind regards,

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