Reply To: Trying to read DESFire EV1 Card, requires Authentication.

Forum MIFARE SDK Trying to read DESFire EV1 Card, requires Authentication. Reply To: Trying to read DESFire EV1 Card, requires Authentication.

Re: Trying to read DESFire EV1 Card, requires Authentication.

29. April 2016 at 12:17
Thanks to your answer I'm using the application master key (and not the PICC master key).
The initialization of the keystore doesn't throw any exception now:
        libInstance = NxpNfcLib.getInstance();
libInstance.registerActivity(this, packageKey);

KeyStoreFactory.KeyStoreType kst = libInstance.getKeyStoreType();

try {

IKeyStore iks= libInstance.getKeyStore();

ks = KeyStoreFactory.getInstance().getSoftwareKeyStore();

ks.setKey(0, (byte) 0,
IKeyConstants.KeyType.KEYSTORE_KEY_TYPE_2K3DES, KEY_AES128);

} catch (SmartCardException e) {
showMessage(e.getMessage(), 'l');
showMessage("SmartCardException in init Keystore ... check LogCat",

But I had to switch the type to KEYSTORE_KEY_TYPE_2K3DES. I don't understand why: my Mifare application was documented as "AES 128 bits method".
My next step is to call authenticate on my objDESFireEV1.
I've tried DESFireEV1.AuthType.AES in the first parameter. No success.
Best regards.
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