Reply To: DESFire EV1 getDFNames

Forum MIFARE general topics and applications DESFire EV1 getDFNames Reply To: DESFire EV1 getDFNames

Re: DESFire EV1 getDFNames

1. April 2016 at 10:02
Hi Jan,

The different authentication methods depend on the different encryption standards the MIFARE DESFire supports. You can decide between DES, TrippleDES and AES. If there is no requirement for you to choose a specific cipher I would use AES128. In this case you have to use AES128 keys which are 16 bytes long and use AuthenticateAES().

One recommendation. ISO file names and DF names are available to be compatible with ISO7816 contact card systems. If there is no requirement for you to use this features, I would only deal with file IDs. It is faster and more efficient.

Kind regards,

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