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Forum MIFARE general topics and applications KeyA and KeyB and how to protect the contacless card from cloning? Reply To: KeyA and KeyB and how to protect the contacless card from cloning?

Re: KeyA and KeyB and how to protect the contacless card from cloning?

19. February 2016 at 7:21
Hi @mifaresdk

One of the above post you mention the steps example as;

LoadKey( 1, FFFFFFFFFFFF )   // default key
LoadKey( 2, 1665FE2AE945 ) // your access key A
Authenticate( 4, 1 ) // authenticate to block 4 with key store 1 = default key
Write( 4, 58523376442200010000000000002153 ) // Write My_data1 and My_data3 to block 4
Write( 5, “es56fg87p4f2 ” ) // Write My_data2 to block 5 as ASCII bytes (with space chars at the end)
Write( 7, 1665FE2AE945XXXXXX003321FB75A356 ) // write to sector trailer the new keys
Authenticate( 4, 2 ) // authenticate to sector 1/block 4 with the new key A
Read( 4, ... ) // read the data back for verifying

My Question is that in first Authentication is for the block 4. Should I be need to authenticate blcok 5, 6 and 7 as well?
Before continue my coding I need to make sure that I am understand correctly.

Here is my steps:
    Default key is in 0 (0x00) New key in 1 (0x01)

    I need to write each data for different block

LoadKey( 0, FFFFFFFFFFFF )             // default key
LoadKey( 1, 1665FE2AE945 ) // your access key A
Authenticate( 4, 0 ) // authenticate to block 4 with key store 1 = default key
Authenticate( 5, 0 ) // authenticate to block 4 with key store 1 = default key
Authenticate( 6, 0 ) // authenticate to block 4 with key store 1 = default key
Write( 4, 58523376442200010000000000000000 ) // Write My_data1 to block 4
Write( 5, “es56fg87p4f2 ” ) // Write My_data2 to block 5 as ASCII bytes (with space chars at the end)
Write( 6, 21530000000000000000000000000000 ) // Write My_data3 to block 6
Write( 7, 1665FE2AE945XXXXXX003321FB75A356 ) // write to sector trailer the new keys
Authenticate( 4, 1 ) // authenticate to sector 1/block 4 with the new key A
Authenticate( 5, 1 ) // authenticate to sector 1/block 4 with the new key A
Authenticate( 6, 1 ) // authenticate to sector 1/block 4 with the new key A
Read( 4, ... ) // read the data back for verifying
Read( 5, ... ) // read the data back for verifying
Read( 6, ... ) // read the data back for verifying

Can you tell me that my steps are correct?

Kind Regards
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