Reply To: Registering an application on a DESFire card?

Forum MIFARE general topics and applications Registering an application on a DESFire card? Reply To: Registering an application on a DESFire card?

Re: Registering an application on a DESFire card?

20. January 2016 at 13:29
Hi Fred,

collect files into applications are an architecture feature of the MIFARE DESFire. In this way you can use the card in a distributed environment. For example you can create an own application and put files to this application and protect the files with keys and access permissions. Now you are able to issue the card to a service provider which also use an own application with own files. Both applications are separated from each other and this helps to manage more applications on the card.

An application ID (AID) has always three bytes and you are free to define the bytes you like. Of course no two applications can share the same AID.

Kind regards,

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