Reply To: Set keys and do authentication to DESFire using MIFARE advanced SDK

Forum MIFARE SDK Set keys and do authentication to DESFire using MIFARE advanced SDK Reply To: Set keys and do authentication to DESFire using MIFARE advanced SDK

Re: Set keys and do authentication to DESFire using MIFARE advanced SDK

19. January 2016 at 9:48

Here's my progress on these questions... Correct me if I am wrong..

In Q2 and Q3, about setting the master key for application and picc.

Select the application or picc, then authenticate using the default key and mode. That is,
objDESFireEV1.authenticate(DESFireEV1.AuthType.Native, 0, (byte) 0, 0, (byte) 0, null);
Then call changeKey(). it is to change one of the card key, for master key of picc and application, the card key no should be 0.
So change the key in card key no = 0 to any other key in key store.
Next time when authenticating, use the keyno in keystore I set, and the card key no 0, to pass an authentication.

I can use this process conduct a successful authentication.

Other questions still need solving. Help is needed....

Btw, why every time I need to upload a file to get the reply published.... Is it because I have to many questions...?
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