SDK capability question

Forum / MIFARE SDK / SDK capability question

  • 31. March 2015 at 8:49
    Dear Ladies and Gents,

    I have a question. Can I use MIFARE SDK to write a program, which will allow to read and write on MIFARE parking cards?

    The thing is I am working in a parking and equipment company and we sometimes need to make a discount ar a free service for a client. For that we need a mobile terminal capable of reading and writing MIFARE parking cards and tokens.

    As far as I understand, we can just create a program for any Android smartphone with an NFC module and use it for this purpose in our business?
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    Re: SDK capability question

    8. April 2015 at 13:27

    If you are are asking, if it's possible to use MIFARE Cards for Parking Ticketing, then the answer is yes.

    You need to buy / order pre-personalized cards that will do just what you described.
    Or if it's a smaller bussiness you can tackle it by yourself, just ordering empty MIFARE DESFire cards and personalize it by yourself.

    MIFARE SDK is powerful. It gives you everything you need, but in more "friendly" way. You dont need to use APDU commands, you use high-level Java language to personalize cards or do whatever interaction you want.

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